AUDITING: Efficient, reliable, customized
TAXON offers you auditing with added value. Talk to us about the tasks you want taken care of. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals. You will always receive a professional audit service from TAXON’s auditors: economical, reliable and tailored to the task at hand.
TAXON advises medium-sized companies in both private and public ownership. In our audit teams, auditors, tax consultants and experienced employees work together in a collegial manner. Our risk- and process-oriented audit approach allows us to take a close look at your business model. With this knowledge, we can also develop suggestions to optimize potential.
In this way, you benefit from our support in your daily tasks and generate economic benefits for your company:
- With the audit of annual financial statements or consolidated financial statements, you reliably fulfill the legal requirements.
- With audit-related consulting services, you implement optimization potential in a targeted manner.
- With due diligence, you can examine the potential of strategically interesting companies before acquisition.
- With a company valuation, you can reliably assess potential.
- In a special audit, we examine special legal purposes (e.g. incorporation), regularity and support you in effectively combating bribery, fraud and embezzlement.
It is up to you how you use our expertise and services. Our suggestion is: for that extra competitive edge.
We work to help you achieve your goals. From TAXON you get auditing with added value.
VALUE ADDED: You can count on these benefits
Trusting cooperation on equal terms
Fixed contact persons ensure your optimal support
Fast and binding decisions by our auditors
Effective and digital audit execution
Qualified assessment of accounting transactions
Pragmatic approaches to solutions secure your budget and deadlines
Year-round support from interdisciplinary experts
SERVICES: These are the tasks we perform for you as auditors
For groups, companies, municipal companies, foundations, associations
- Statutory audit of annual financial statements or consolidated financial statements
- Voluntary audits (limited review)
- Audits in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Audits of the financial statements of public companies and owner-operated municipal enterprises, taking into account the German Budgetary Principles Act (Haushaltsgrundsätzegesetz – HGrG) and the Public Corporate Governance Code of the Federal Government
- Audit of annual financial statements of associations and foundations
- Audit of liquidation balance sheets, special balance sheets and interim financial statements
Special audits
- Special audits according to the Limited Liability Companies Act (GmbH law), stock corporation law or transformation law (e.g. in the case of formation, transformation, merger or capital change)
- Audits of financial service providers and financial service institutions
- Audits in accordance with the German Brokerage and Property Development Ordinance (MaBV)
- Audits in accordance with the Renewable Energies Act (EEG)
- Audits of the declaration of completeness for sales packaging (Packaging Act) / Dual System
- Embezzlement audit (Fraud)
- Audit of the regularity of the management according to § 53 HGrG (German Law on Budgetary Principles)
- Audit of procurement reports
Audits in the event of insolvency
- Cash audit for creditors’ committees as part of their monitoring function
- Final accounts audit for insolvency courts
- Expert opinions for insolvency administrators and creditors’ committees on questionable accounting and auditing issues
- Data analyses for insolvency administrators, e.g. for appeals
- Determination of the point in time of insolvency for insolvency administrators
- Preparation of bidding procedures for the sale of insolvent companies on behalf of the insolvency administrator
Occasion-related special audits (examples)
- Transformation audit or merger audit to optimize the corporate structure
- Special audit under stock corporation law to clarify the claims of shareholders
- Audit of compliance management systems to ensure compliant behavior within the company
- Due diligence audit to safeguard your interests as a buyer or seller
- Company valuation (in accordance with IDW S 1) in the case of acquisitions, change of shareholders, inheritance distribution, etc.
- Formation audit to substantiate the value of contributions in kind in the case of a formation in kind
- Internal audit to provide independent support for management
- Special audit to deal with criminal acts: Balance sheet manipulation, breach of trust, embezzlement, fraud, etc.
Industries: Special expertise for special industries
- Services
- Wholesale and foreign trade
- Tourism and hotel
- Pharmaceutics
- Transportation and logistics
- Energy industry and renewable energies
- Start-ups
- Non-profit associations
- Foundations
Audit-related consulting services
System audits and corporate management
- Audit and implementation of compliance management systems (CMS)
- Audit and implementation of risk management systems (RMS) and internal control systems (ICS)
- Administrative auditing and internal audit
Due diligence and business valuation
- Due diligence audits (especially tax and finance) to protect your interests as a buyer or seller in corporate transactions
- Company valuation (in accordance with IDW S 1) in the case of acquisitions, change of shareholders, inheritance distribution, etc.
Corporate planning
- Preparation and implementation of planning calculations and reporting systems (income and financial planning, liquidity planning, integrated corporate planning)
- Advice on financing and investment of investment projects
- Start-up consulting and support of business start-ups
Restructuring audit
- Consulting in connection with corporate crises
- Examination or preparation of restructuring concepts (restructuring assessments)