Oliver Schlenker

Tax Consultant
Certified MBA

Expert in ...

  • External implementation “administrative audit“
  • Quality controls (Peer Review)
  • Introduction of Tax Compliance Management Systems (Tax CMS)
  • Introduction of Risk Management Systems (RMS)
  • Implementation of annual audits
  • Company valuation
  • Municipal and municipal-related companies
Pfeil nach rechts





Work efficiently! This means that complex projects also receive the necessary investment in time required for a successful implementation and high quality.

Work efficiently! This means that complex projects also receive the necessary investment in time required for a successful implementation and high quality.

Qualification + Experience

Since 2003 Auditor for quality control
Since 1991 Tax consulting and auditing at TAXON
1998 Certified public accountant exam
1993 Tax consultant exam
Until 1991 Tax consultancy and auditing at WSB GmbH, Berlin
Until 1988 Business administration studies at the University of Cologne

Work efficiently! This means that complex projects also receive the necessary investment in time required for a successful implementation and high quality.